335. Don’t Let Doubt Stop You From Achieving Your Goals | April Spilde

Jan 24, 2022 | 0 comments

We all know what it’s like to have big goals accompanied by a sense of self-doubt. We might want to achieve incredible, ambitious goals – and, even better, we might be able to do it. Even, and especially, when we know it’s something we can achieve if we set our mind to it, there’s this little voice in the back of our minds telling us the task is insurmountable. 

This week, we talk to April Splide, who’s had a very successful career in The Air Force, about how she was able to take ONE Thing principles and use them to overcome these feelings in herself on the way to competing in Ironman Triathlons. 

When she first decided she wanted to compete, the idea seemed completely beyond anything realistic to her. By following a 4 1 1, she was able to make her dreams a reality. We break down the many tens of thousands of steps, laps, and miles, on her journey, and how you, too, can apply the ONE Thing in your life to achieve whatever you set your mind to. 

If you’d like to see what a 4 1 1 looks like for yourself, take a look at the free resources section on the1thing.com, where you’ll find countless examples, templates and tools to help you on your journey. 

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods.

In this episode, you will learn

  • [00:00] How April found her ONE Thing
  • [04:11] How she came to believe in herself 
  • [12:11] How a 4 1 1 let April take control of her time and achieve her goals

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