247. Ryan Daniel Moran | 12 Months to $1 Million

Jun 8, 2020 | 0 comments

Do you think you could turn your life around in just 12 months?

Every single one of us is constantly looking up, imagining a future, and asking ourselves how we actually get there. How do we bridge the gap? How do we ensure that the things that show up on our calendar this week put us in alignment with the type of life that we want to be living?

Ryan Moran is the owner of capitalism.com, he has built several big businesses in a short period of time, and he is the author of the best-selling book “12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur.” He’s going to share with us his formula for building a massively profitable business in one year — from scratch — starting with one simple step.

We are here to shepherd you along on your journey to finding your ONE Thing. Today we launched our Virtual Goal Setting Retreat series to help you get clarity on your goals right now, which ones you need to discard, and which you need to recommit to. This will set us up to come together at the end of the year and cast a vision for the next year. To learn more, visit the1thing.com/setmygoals.

In this episode, you will learn…

  • [01:55] Why you should trust Ryan’s knowledge
  • [05:20] Taking responsibility for your freedom
  • [07:41] The opportunities in business today
  • [12:29] How to find the one person you need to serve
  • [16:44] How to identify the journey your customer is on
  • [21:01] The importance of ONE customer
  • [29:41] The three stages of building a business
  • [36:30] The biggest mistakes people make during this process
  • [41:12] What to do when you are starting from scratch
  • [47:21] How to balance revenue with finding who to serve

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