188. The ONE Thing for Teams (Part 1)

May 6, 2019 | 0 comments

It’s relatively easy for an individual to start practicing The ONE Thing in their daily lives… but how do you scale The ONE Thing throughout an organization?

Behind the scenes, we’ve been asking ourselves this question, and we’ve been working hard to come up with an answer that will help all teams, from a local real estate office all the way up to a Fortune 50 company, make living The ONE Thing part of their organizational culture.

Geoff Woods and Jay Papasan recently delivered a keynote presentation at the Keller Williams Family Reunion Convention, and today we’re going to share the first half of that presentation with all of you. Geoff and Jay walk you through the high-level principles you need to know before you introduce The ONE Thing to your team and what the benefits are when you begin to adopt this in your culture. Next week, in part two, we’ll discuss how leaders within an organization can begin to use the specific tools of The ONE Thing to not only live the principles yourself, but spread them with their teams.

In this episode, you will learn…

  • [8:30] How you can achieve exponential momentum
  • [14:00] How do you identify Your ONE Thing?
  • [17:50] How to turn your job into a business
  • [24:50] An exercise to illustrate what’s possible for you
  • [26:15] How you can leverage The Produktive System

The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode:

If this episode has brought value to you, please consider sharing it with the people inside your organization.

Text it to them, send them an email, or talk to them about it on Monday – you will be amazed at the impact you can have when you get a core group of people talking this same language!

If you are looking for some extra help or inspiration, head over to the1thing.com/training.

Links & Tools From This Episode