Time is your most valuable resource. So how do we better invest it?
The challenge is that most people go through their days spending time instead of investing it. None of us were taught how to do this in school. But in order to invest our time wisely we have to start investing in people.
Developing trust as an individual is the ONE Thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary. David Horsager, author of “The Trust Edge” and the upcoming book “The Trusted Leader,” talks about what it means to become a trusted leader.
You can pre-order “The Trusted Leader” at trustedleaderbook.com/onething.
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/podcast.
In this episode, you will learn…
- [01:40] Where David discovered the importance of trust and leading by example
- [07:57] Why trust matters now more than ever
- [09:45] Reviewing the eight pillars of trust
- [13:50] The three questions that can take big ideas into simple actions
- [30:29] What leaders unconsciously do that undermine their trust
- [37:06] How to hold people accountable while building trust
Links & Tools From This Episode
Do you run a small business?
Small business owners wear a lot of hats. Some of those hats feel incredible to wear. However, filing taxes and running payroll… well, for most of us, they don’t feel great and they’re not our ONE thing. That’s where Gusto comes in to help you make payroll, taxes, and HR easy. So ask yourself, it time to take off some of your hats?
You can get three FREE months when you run your first payroll at Gusto.com/ONE.
How do you start up when the world is upside down?
Sit Down Startup is a new weekly podcast from Zendesk. The Startups team brings together entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs to discuss the latest business challenges and how to put customer experience at the heart of success. Hear from people who understand unpredictability in a coffee shop-style conversation.
Catch weekly episodes on Apple, Google, and Spotify.