Start living your ONE THING, today.

Sign up to our waitlist to be notified of our next opening of The One Thing Foundations Workshop to create your 12-month acheivement plan.

The One Thing Foundations Workshop

Currently on a waitlist!

Most people never reach the personal goals they set.

How many times have you said to yourself…
this time, I’ll see it to the end.“?

But after the initial excitement wears off, you are back to your old habits?

This is due to…

Lack of Accountability

Lack of a Clear Plan

Lack of Realistic Goals

After helping 1,000s fix their broken goal setting, we’ve pinpointed exactly what needs to be in place in order to ACTUALLY achieve the goals you set.

These 3 simple steps are the foundation to building a healthy relationship with any goal.


Create Purpose & Cast Your Vision

Identify and understand your values, why, mindset, and limiting beliefs as a launching pad for powerful and attainable goals.


Stop Being Busy, Be Productive

Use tried-and-true systems and tools to focus on activities that will help you achieve your goals and tune out distractions.


Define Priority

Transform your vision into an easy-to-understand roadmap to find clarity and alignment.


Create Purpose & Cast Your Vision

Identify and understand your values, why, mindset, and limiting beliefs as a launching pad for powerful and attainable goals.


Define Priority

Transform your vision into an easy-to-understand roadmap to find clarity and alignment.


Stop Being Busy, Be Productive

Use tried-and-true systems and tools to focus on activities that will help you achieve your goals and tune out distractions.

Using these 3 steps alongside our expert coaches in our Foundations Workshop you’ll be able to…

change your relationship with goal setting and take your BIG AMBITIONS and turn time into manageable goals and activities.

Register to the waitlist for The ONE THING Foundations Workshop

Start living your One Thing, today!

Each month, we host a 4-hour online training that teaches the principles behind The ONE Thing Approach and how to apply them to your goal setting & achievement.

What will you learn?

✔︎ You will understand how purpose and core values fit into goal setting.

✔︎ You will establish powerful 1-year goals and develop a plan to achieve them using the Produktive system and tools.

✔︎ You will understand how time blocking is key to your achievement and discover best practices for effective time blocking.

What will you achieve by participating in The One Thing Foundations Workshop?

✔︎ You will start living the 3 Ps: Purpose, Priority, & Productivity

✔︎ You will move your actions from entrepreneurial to purposeful

✔︎ You will start living the accountability cycle

“We are thrilled to share that two days ago, we acheived our yearly goal of purchasing our fist single-family rental ivestment property… we are incredibly grateful to The One Thing community and staff for their guidance and support. We feel more empowered and confident than ever before, and we are excited to continue this journey of growth and self-improvement with their support and guidance every step of the way.”

Mauricio R., LYOT Member

“Living your ONE Thing unleashes your ability to achieve what you want most out of life personally and professionally. I’ve discovered how to dream big and give myself the permission and tools to go after it.”

Michael C., LYOT Member

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