It’s the time of year when individuals or organizations look at the goals they set for themselves and wonder whether they set the right goals or if the strategies they implemented to achieve them are falling short. A goal should stretch you, which means you may not have absolute clarity on how to achieve it...
Let’s face it: Living The ONE Thing can be difficult. If it were easy, the book probably wouldn’t be needed. You’ve got to change your mindset, understand new and often challenging principles, as well as unlearn a lifetime of bad habits. We’ve all experienced the pitfalls that come with adopting this lifestyle, and we’d never...
One of the most common mistakes people make when they set a goal is that they think about it once, and then they forget about it until it’s time to check if they’ve hit it or not. But if you’re not checking in with yourself and asking how you’re doing along the way, you’re never...
We are entering a new chapter here on The ONE Thing podcast. We have two new hosts, who each bring their own unique voices to the show, as well as their personal experiences and values. But, as always, they are committed to living The ONE Thing in their lives—and helping you live it in yours....
We talk a lot about setting big goals… but we don’t often get to explore what happens when you achieve them. After achieving your goals, you have to take the time to reflect on where you’ve been and set your compass to a new destination. As you grow personally and professionally, your goals are going...
How important do you think habits are in your life? The way you show up in the world today is a reflection of the habits you have formed over a lifetime. But many of us are forming habits by default instead of by design. Gary Keller, co-author of “The ONE Thing” and chairman of Keller-Williams,...
When it comes to money, creating goals can be a little daunting. The gap between where you are and where you want to be can feel overwhelming, even insurmountable. But Justin Donald shows us that achieving your financial goals is not impossible. Justin is a family man with a business, not the other way around....
In a world full of choices, deciding what matters most can be tricky. We know extraordinary success is about leaning into our priorities and avoiding distractions – but how do we know when to say yes and when to say no? Many people are searching for purpose. They want clarity on That ONE Thing so...
If we want to look at the quality of our relationships, we have to look no further than the quality of the conversations that we have. The everyday conversations with the people we care about are either strengthening our relationships or undermining them – and we’re not always aware of which is taking place because...
make if you want to live a life of extraordinary results: following the path of mastery, moving from being entrepreneurial to purposeful, and living the accountability cycle. Are you making those commitments? Brandon Turner, who you may know from the Bigger Pockets podcast, shows us what it looks like to live those commitments. This is...