You’ve heard of putting your money where your mouth is — but how do you put it where your heart is? How would it feel to start investing your time and money in projects that feed your purpose, rather than spending all of your money on groceries and gas? Thinking big about your purpose can...
It’s been three months since our annual Goal Setting Retreat, where we came together as couples, individuals, and teams to cast a vision for our life and set clear five- and one-year goals to get us there. Since it has been just over 90 days since then, it’s a great opportunity to review how we’ve...
Extraordinary results become possible when you are clear on what you are saying yes to. We can’t say yes to everything. When you set up dominos, the path to knocking them all down doesn’t involve flicking at them randomly one at a time. You set them up, line them up, and whack away at the...
As you go on your journey to living The ONE Thing, you realize it’s not just about your professional success. In fact, most of it has to do with your personal life. Money is an important topic for people to set goals around, but it’s also one of the most challenging topics for couples. And...
Have you ever imagined a goal so big that it takes your breath away? Or cast a vision for your life that truly fires you up — while also shaking you with fear? You’re not alone. But the gap between you and extraordinary results is determined by whether we choose to push through the fear…...
After you begin your journey to living The ONE Thing and you see the value that it brings to your life — both personally and professionally — you can’t help but look at the other people in your world that you care about and want them to begin their journey to living The ONE Thing...
When we think about the relationships we have — whether that be in our professional world or our personal lives — there is one thing that can determine the quality of those relationships: trust. When you have trust, so many things become possible. But without it, our ability to succeed is limited. David Horsager has...
We are in the business of time, our most valuable resource. The problem is, most people go through their days spending their time… because they were never taught to invest it. Everything that we do here at The ONE Thing is to help you better invest your time so that you can see the ROI:...
No one succeeds alone. In fact, our ideas and impact can multiply when we collaborate with the right people, at the right time, on the right ONE Thing. Last week, we shared about a new ONE Thing tool to help people discover their core values and live their purpose—the Core Values Deck. We’re going to...
In a world full of choices, deciding what matters most can be tricky. We know extraordinary success is about leaning into our priorities and avoiding distractions—but how do we know when to say yes and when to say no? Many people are searching for purpose. They want clarity on That ONE Thing so that they...