9 Wealth Building Books You Can’t Miss

Sep 18, 2015 | Finances | 0 comments

In a recent ONE Thing webinar, Jay Papasan paired up with businessman and technology innovator Ben Kinney to mastermind on wealth building. During the discussion, three investing priorities were covered: giving, people and business. By focusing our investments in what we give, in the people we surround ourselves with and the businesses we build, we can secure an unrivaled fountain of wealth. Excited on learning more on wealth building, Jay asked our readers to send in a list of their favorite books on wealth building.

Wealth Building Books

It’s no big surprise that we love books here at KellerInk. We read them, talk about them, learn from them, live them, and work tirelessly to write them. So it’s no wonder that our readers share our passion for books too!

Below is a list of the most popular books suggested by our fellow bookaphiles. If you’re looking to diversify your library or expand your base of knowledge, consider picking up one of their suggested titles:

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    One of the first books of its kind, this title was first published in 1937, and has since become a long-time classic that has continued to educate the world on some key principles of wealth building. Hill bases the concepts covered in his book on the wisdom he picked up from studying 500 legendary businessmen like Andrew Carnegie and Charles M. Schwab, and charting their keys to success for the public to digest and implement in their own lives.

  2. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

    Based on the advice Kiyosaki learned from both his father and a friend’s father (the poor dad and rich dad in the book, respectively), this book embraces the idea of understanding assets and liabilities as well as the importance of having your money work for you rather than working to earn money.

  3. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

    Dave Ramsey is well known as a television and radio personality who made his mark by providing common sense advice on managing and getting out of debt to the masses. In this book, Ramsey shares the principles and truths that lay the groundwork for creating a plan to make and handle money responsibly.

  4. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

    Originally published as a series of pamphlets in the 1920s, this book shares ideas on acquiring, keeping and valuing money based on collective wisdom the author interpreted from the citizens of the once glorious city of Babylon. As the author shares, these ancient principles can still be applied in today’s modern world to help people achieve their own monetary success.

  5. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

    The author begins his bestseller by assuring the reader that it is not a self-help book, but rather a collection of simple disciplines that can help people succeed within multiple aspects of their everyday lives, including personal finances.

  6. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley

    If you’re interested in figuring out what common traits exist among the wealthy, chances are you’ve heard of this book. Stanley contrasts the habits built by both millionaires and non-millionaires to help show what separates the wealthy from everyone else. Covering topics like living below your means, Stanley uses his research to help others find the path toward financial well-being.

  7. The Pledge by Michael Masterson

    In his book, Masterson aims to give you all the tools you need to plan for an “abundant life.” The pages of this book provide tips and strategies on how to become more productive and successful within your financial and personal lives.

  8. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

    Published more than a century ago, this book still holds a loyal following of readers who believe that their state of mind influences what they can achieve. In this classic, you’ll learn how to apply the power of positive thinking to wealth building and wealth attraction.

  9. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

    Author Darren Hardy whole-heartedly believes that every decision we make has the power to dramatically impact the direction of our lives. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial or personal outlook, Hardy provides a solid action plan that will help you achieve everything you want to in life.


Have a great wealth building book that wasn’t listed here? Add it to our list by mentioning it in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

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