155. Customer Loyalty | How Lady Gaga Turns Fans Into Fanatics with @JackieHuba

Aug 27, 2018 | 0 comments

What is the ONE thing to focus on for business growth?

We believe that ONE thing is customer loyalty – so, as we scale our business, that means our ONE thing is engaging with people like you. So we’ve been asking ourselves, how do we form a deeper, more meaningful relationship with every single one of you so that, ultimately, you become a raving fan and get a level of mastery on the content so that you can turn around and empower the people in your world?

While we were asking these questions, Jay walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out a book. It was Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers Into Fanatics by today’s guest Jackie Huba, and it’s transforming the way we look at our business. So today we’re going to show you how Lady Gaga was able to build this passionate fan base and what lessons you can take and apply in your businesses.

In this episode, you will learn…

  • [4:35] What is loyalty?
  • [11:35] How do you identify your one percenters?
  • [26:30] How can you can become part of the community around your business and give them something to talk about?

The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode:

So, after listening to this episode, you’ve been armed with a foundation for growth. Now, are you willing to go on the journey to becoming a master of building customer loyalty?

If so, what habits do you or your business have to acquire that would make engaging those one percenters easier or unnecessary? Is it getting clear and focusing on your one percenters? Leading with your values? Building a community of those one percenters? Or generating something to talk about? Look at those four points and contrast them or compare them to what you’re focusing on in your business right now. Are you focusing on the ONE thing that matters most?

When we look at our business, that lead domino, that if we continue to knock that down over time will lead to extraordinary results, is you.

If you see there is an opportunity but you’re struggling to come up with ideas for how to capitalize on it, one thing you can do first is read through Jackie’s book, Monster Loyalty, and write down 10 ways that you can implement each chapter. When you do that, you end up with this mind bank of things that you can do that will make building customer loyalty easier or unnecessary. We did this and it’s been extremely helpful.

And if you genuinely feel like you are one percenters for The ONE Thing, please e-mail Geoff@The1Thing.com because we’re always asking, what are we doing that’s actually creating that type of engagement? And we would love to have a conversation.

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