Do you usually start your year with a financial goal?
Most people do, whether that’s saving more money, getting on a budget, or increasing their net worth. Whatever it is, though, you have to do certain things in order to be successful.
In this episode, Anthony ONeal shares the story of how he did everything he was told to do to pursue the American Dream — working hard in school to get into a good college so that he could get a good job — but then life happened. He got kicked out of school and ended up homeless, wondering if he was better off dead or alive. Today, you may know Anthony as one of the Dave Ramsey personalities or as the author of the Wall Street Journal #1 bestselling book Debt-Free Degree.
Pay attention to the mindset he adopted, the strategies he used, and the choices he made — because if that worked for him, it’ll help you achieve whatever financial goal you have this year.
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:
In this episode, you will learn…
-[2:45] How Anthony transformed his life
-[9:00] What you can do now if you lack clarity around how you can achieve your goals or what you should do next
-[16:00] What happens when you start saying NO
-[28:25] How to get a debt-free degree and live a debt-free life
Links & Tools From This Episode
-Learn more at
-Read: Debt-Free Degree: The Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Kid Through College Without Student Loans
-Join the Living Your ONE Thing Community
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