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The ONE Thing Webinar: Learning First-hand from Jay Papasan


When it comes to The ONE Thing, you may feel fairly accomplished by now. You’ve read the book, you’ve printed out the worksheets, and you’ve timeblocked a window where you plan to map out your goals for the year ahead. Now what?

How about hearing advice first-hand from co-author, Jay Papasan?

While it is classified as a business book, the principles and techniques of The ONE Thing can be applied to many different facets of life. Back in August, readers tuned into the first installment of a webinar series with Jay for an hour of wisdom to learn how to apply The ONE Thing in their personal lives.

What about you, have you asked and answered the focusing question for your own personal life? If not, you should. If you missed the first two webinars, you can still learn what Jay had to share on the topic by listening to the on-demand webinar here.

During the webinar, Jay relates a story told to him by Gary at the beginning of the book writing process that exemplified why it is important to dedicate time to take care of your personal life before you take care of the key relationships in your life. On an airplane, he recounts, flight attendants tell us to put on our oxygen masks before trying to assist others. We can only truly help those around us if we take the time to take care of ourselves first. This metaphor applies far beyond the walls of an airplane. Identify what your ONE thing is for your personal life so you can do more for yourself, write it down and make a point to incorporate it into your life.

And don’t stop there. This December, Jay will continue the series with a discussion on incorporating The ONE Thing in your physical health. Sign up and learn how to apply the principles of the book and experience success in yet another key area of your life.


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