What if we told you that, every single day, in spite of your best intentions, you were accidentally diminishing the capabilities of the people in your world? And what if we told you that, instead of putting a ceiling of achievement over other people’s’ heads, we can learn to become smarter and multiply their possibilities moving forward? It’s a big concept, but in The ONE Thing, we teach you how to think BIG and go small – so today we want to offer you the small actions you can take to gain momentum.
Our guest is Liz Wiseman, a researcher and executive advisor who teaches leadership to executives around the world. She is the author of New York Times bestseller Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools, and Wall Street Journal bestseller Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work.
We recorded this conversation as part of our monthly ONE Thing webinar series. Every month, we feature an incredible author so that you can learn directly from them and ask questions. If you want to sign up for our next FREE monthly webinar, head over to the1thing.com/webinars.
In this episode you will learn…
- [3:10] What it means to be a diminisher or a multiplier (and why you should strive to be a multiplier).
- [18:20] What you can do to create challenges for your people that are empowering, without being so big that they are paralyzing.
- [36:00] What you can do if your leader is a diminisher.
- [44:05] How to shift from a diminisher culture to a multiplier culture in your organization.
- [48:55] The ONE thing you can start doing with your time that will allow you to become a multiplier.
The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode:
Where are you, in spite of your best intentions, accidentally causing the people in your world to hold back?
And what’s the ONE thing you can do that will allow you to multiply the talents of the people in your world, where you may currently be diminishing? We’d love if you left us a review sharing whatever you discover about yourself. We always want to learn more about you, and it helps us reach more people to create a bigger impact. Click here to leave a review in iTunes
Links & Tools From This Episode
- Learn more at thewisemangroup.com
- Connect with Liz: Twitter | LinkedIn
- Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman
- The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools by Liz Wiseman
- Get more support & accountability: Join the Living Your ONE Thing Community The Kick Ass Guide To Accountability Check out our awesome blog!