In this greatest hits episode, we’re revisiting one of our favorite episodes where Dan Sullivan shares how you can stop living in the gap between where you are and where you want to be – and start living in the happiness you cultivate by recognizing your daily gains of progress.
Have you ever set goals that you thought would deliver you pure happiness once you achieved them – just to work hard, achieve them, and move on to the next without giving yourself a chance to feel fulfilled or celebrated? We all have and it’s something we should work out of our productivity-laden routines.
How might we create more sustainable happiness on our road to achievement? Dan Sullivan has been working with business owners for decades under the program, The Strategic Coach, and was one of the pioneers of the coaching industry. We have a conversation around what it means to shift your perspective so you get out of the gap of dissatisfaction and live in the gain – where happiness lives.
We’re always looking forward to the next goal, but we don’t give ourselves the chance to celebrate the successes we’ve had. This is common among ambitious people. The problem with this is that it undermines our happiness in the long run. Backed by his world-class expertise and experience in the field, Dan helps us lay the groundwork for this profound shift toward fulfilment.
Do you have an opportunity to shift more toward the gain? If you’re like most ambitious people, the answer is yes. What’s The ONE Thing you can do, such that by doing it, would make living in the gain easier or unnecessary?
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:
We talk about:
- What the gap and the gain is
- Why most high achievers don’t celebrate how far they’ve come
- How to shift from the gap to the gain
- The difference between courage and confidence
- What happens when we live in the gain
Links & Tools from This Episode
- Read: The Gap and the Gain
- Free Resources
- Want to be a guest or share feedback? Email
Produced by Nova Media