Time is your most valuable resource. The problem is, most people spend their time instead of investing it. The resulting waste is amplified if you apply it across an entire organization. If you can’t focus on what matters most, you end up working longer hours and sacrificing your personal life. We help people implement a...
This is the second in a six-part series of episodes exploring the steps of the ProduKtive system. ProduKtive will change how you think for the better, allowing you to cast a stronger vision with bigger, more precise goals. In this episode, we cover what it truly means to cast a vision for the future. There...
This is the first in a six-part series of episodes exploring the steps of the ProduKtive system. ProduKtive will change how you think for the better, allowing you to cast a stronger vision with bigger, more precise goals. In the subsequent weeks, we’ll be looking at building a plan, learning to effectively prioritize activities, using...
Have you ever set goals that you thought would deliver you pure happiness once you achieved them – just to work hard, achieve them, and move on to the next without giving yourself a chance to feel fulfilled or celebrated? We all have and it’s something we should work out of our productivity-laden routines. How...
We all know the importance of setting goals. We have to know where we’re headed and what we want to achieve in order to get there, right? The problem is that most people don’t know the best strategy for setting their goals. It seems obvious that our goals should be realistic, right? Wrong. It may...
Over a trillion dollars were lost to voluntary turnover in the USA last year alone. Replacing an employee costs an average of between 1.5 and 2 times their annual salary – and that’s a conservative estimate. The salt in the wound? 52% of people who leave for a new job say that their management could...
Do you know the questions you should ask to ensure a happy, fulfilling, and lasting relationship? More importantly, do you know who you ask them to? (Hint: sometimes, the correct answer is yourself). Conversations are the backbone of a relationship, but that doesn’t mean we know how to have them. Whenever one stops working, it’s...
Every organization has it’s impact players – those indispensable team members that you can count on when the stakes are high. And while others do their job, impact players find the job to be done. Whether they’re center stage or behind the scenes, leaders know who these top players are… and they want more of...
Do you ever look at your calendar and find yourself trying to fit the important things – let alone trips to the restroom – between meeting after meeting? Everyone feels like they have too much on their plate and not enough time. That’s a problem because it leads to us spending our time instead of...
Do you understand the history of time? Why do we view time the way we do? We have a problem with time: the majority of people spend it rather than investing it. They don’t view it as their most valuable resource, and they don’t hold it accountable to delivering a return – personally or professionally....