If you really want to live The ONE Thing purposefully, there are three commitments you have to make: you have to choose to follow the path of mastery; to move from entrepreneurialism to having purpose; and to live the accountability cycle. The first two, alone, will change everything. Following the path of mastery and moving...
When you think about living an extraordinary life, the path to getting there is not by doing everything. In fact, it really comes down to the habits that you form. You don’t decide your future, you decide your habits. Your habits decide your future. How do you go about identifying what the next habit is...
The ONE Thing is the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results. In order for you to achieve extraordinary results, you can’t follow the ordinary path. If you do what most people do, you will get the results that most people get. Will Brown discovered The ONE Thing when he was in college. When he realized...
What is the purpose of a goal? Many people believe that the purpose of a goal is to achieve some predefined result. In reality, the purpose of a goal is to serve an appropriate purpose in the moment. It’s not about the result; it’s about who you need to become to earn the right to...
If you’re like most people, you know how it feels to be so busy that you don’t have time for yourself. Still, at the end of a busy day, you could find yourself questioning how much you got done. Anytime in your life when you’re hitting a ceiling of achievement, you’re in need of a...
Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time to do all of the things you have to get done in a day? Do you question if The ONE Thing could work for you because you’re confident you have more than one thing? We’ve all been there. But the truth is you can overcome it....
For the first time in the history of our modern workplace, we have up to five generations working side by side in organizations across the world. While it’s unprecedented, it represents a massive opportunity. Teams with so much diversity of thought and experience have the power to innovate and solve big problems. At the same...
Time is your most valuable resource. So how do we better invest it? The challenge is that most people go through their days spending time instead of investing it. None of us were taught how to do this in school. But in order to invest our time wisely we have to start investing in people....
As you set out to achieve extraordinary results, it’s natural to feel tension between your personal and professional life. When you’re working hard to create a better life for yourself and your family, it feels like you have to make sacrifices of time with family or personal hobbies. But Warren Rustand doesn’t think that sacrifice...
Can you achieve everything you want to accomplish in your own life if your team doesn’t live The ONE Thing? It can be hard to focus on Your ONE Thing when your boss doesn’t live The ONE Thing, or your employees all think that what they are asking for is the most important thing. The...