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Your Life and the Areas That Matter Most in It

Regrets are goals that were never attempted to be met. They are opportunities that were never taken. And, they’re a result of living without focusing on what matters most in life.

If we had an infinite amount of time we might eventually get around to everything, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Instead, we have to spend our energy and the time we do have on what matters most in our lives. When we have that covered, everything else falls in line, and fulfillment replaces regret.

Living a life without regrets isn’t easy, but it is possible. It’s simply a matter of:

What Do You Want Your Life to Be?

All too often we don’t pursue our real dreams and wants. We let “life” get in the way. We let others decide. We don’t speak up and take control of the situation.

So, what is it you really want in life? What matters most to you? Chances are you can think of a number of wants, which can feel overwhelming. But if you take a harder look at each, you’ll realize they fall into different categories.

In The ONE Thing, Gary breaks up life’s passions into seven buckets – spiritual, physical health, personal, key relationships, job, business and financial. The My ONE Thing tool takes that a step further by helping you identify and track what matters most to you.

Knowing what you want in each facet of your life is essential, but it’s just the first step. My ONE Thing tracker helps transform a want into an attainable goal, decreasing the likelihood of regret.

How Will You Achieve Your Wants?

No goal will be met without a plan for reaching it, and no one but you can take charge and get it done. You can’t go back and make up for lost time, so action is needed now to avoid regrets later. Here’s where the focusing question comes into play.

Ask yourself, “What ONE habit can I create that will make everything else in reaching my goal easier or unnecessary?” Then focus on the steps to go from where you are today to where you want to be? Look at the big picture and line up the dominoes – habits – to hit your target.

What Are the Steps to Meet Your Goals?

Taking action is where most people get stuck. They let uncertainty, complacency and fear of failure hold them back. They let other things get in the way of priority, and they keep wanting because that seems easier than doing.

Staying accountable through goal-setting systems like My ONE Thing not only keeps you on track and, shows the progress you’ve made. Each step you take towards your goal will be one less regret you have to live with later on. When you focus in on what matters most and make a commitment to meet goals, a life without regret is completely possible.

As Mark Twain so wisely said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.”

Take on the 66-Day Challenge, and start living a life of no regrets today!


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