No one is a master in every area of their life. It takes a little bit of humility to accept that while you may be a strong leader in your professional world, you might need to spend some time working on making your relationships stronger in your personal life. Or,...
How to Tackle Our Wacky Holidays and Still Feel Connected
There’s no question about it. The holidays feel weird this year. Usually, the thought of the holiday season approaching brings a calendar chock full of fun activities, festive gatherings and even a dreaded family obligation or two. But in a year like no other, our...
Communicate Your Core Values and Unlock Understanding
While many of our holiday plans look different this year, our desire to connect with others remains the same. However, despite our best intentions, connecting can sometimes be difficult. We have that sibling we just don’t understand, the child going through new...
A Guide to Reconnecting with People From Your Past
No matter who you are or where you came from, we can agree: 2020 was a doozy. Between a pandemic, remote work becoming the new normal, and a particularly stressful election season, it is understandable that our priorities have shifted toward a state of survival. But...
What It Looks Like When You Set Goals Together with Wendy and Jay Papasan
There are points in life that inextricably change your priorities. For Wendy and Jay Papasan that change came in the form of their children. “When we had two really young children,” notes Wendy. “There was probably some kind of disconnect between us and our priorities...
The 10 Rules to Follow for Happy and Productive Work at Home
Working from home can be great for productivity. You don’t have to deal with traffic. Healthy food, outdoor space and other comforts are close by. Many people, including the author of this New York Times article, note this rise in productivity, particularly for...
Regain Focus, Avoid Overload
You’re sitting at your desk when loud chirps from your cellphone make you jump – some app is sending notifications. The noise rattles against the cacophony of your coworkers talking over one another during your Zoom meeting. You can smell your coworker’s lunch heating...
How Quarantine Is Messing with Your Sleep and What to Do About It
The pandemic has massively affected our sleeping patterns. A study by Sleep Standards surveyed over 1,000 Americans about their sleep habits before and after stay at home and social distancing measures were enacted and found: • 53 percent indicated they spend less...
How to Create a Memorable End to Your Kids’ Summer
Nothing puts summer on hold, not even a pandemic. It’s easy to look at our current situation and think that there’s nothing we can do, that our children will have “lost” this time in their childhoods. But, with the right focus, we can improve almost any situation. If...