Are you constantly busy but feeling unfulfilled? In this episode, Jay Papasan explores the hidden costs of busyness and how it impacts our stress levels, empathy, and ability to focus on priorities. He shares research-backed insights into why we fall into this trap...
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486. You’re Underestimating How Long It Takes to Form a Habit
‘Tis the season for resolutions. Chances are, you’ve hit the new year with a new resolution—something you wanted to change about your life. In this episode, Jay explains how you can actually stick to your resolution and make your new habit last. Jay breaks down the...
481. How to Stay Calm and Focused During the Holiday Madness
December is chaotic. The kids are out of school. Family is visiting, or you're traveling. There are parties you should go to and gifts you should buy. Don't forget the holiday cards! If ever there was a season for The ONE Thing, 'tis the season. Jay and his personal...