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Time is Relative, Not a Relative

Business, health and wellness goals are front runners year after year in the rat race to pinpoint our New Years’ Resolutions. And while “losing 20 lbs” or “saving 15% of my earnings” are great goals to have, it’s important not to let them get in the way of our me/family time.

Gallup-Healthways Happiness-Stress Index found that the more time we spend with family and friends, the less likely we are to be stressed. The survey results show that people who spend six or more hours a day socializing with family and friends report the highest happiness levels. What’s more, the happiness to stress ratio was greatest for those who worked full time – yes, socializing among colleagues helps boost company and personal morale.

So why not kill two birds with ONE stone, as they say. This year accomplish your big rocks among friends… and have fun doing it!

Five Ways to Keep Relationships and Your New Years’ Resolution

Take quality time where you can.  

Quality time is not measured in minutes. Get creative in finding one-on-one time with those who matter most to you. It may actually enhance your production levels each day.  Jay Papasan spoke to EntreLeadership recently about the importance of taking his kids to school. Not only does he get daily personal interaction with his children, he also starts his day on a positive note, which puts him in the right mindset to get to it at work.

Plan a staycation.

Taking a family vacation isn’t always feasible. This year, find a long weekend or two and plot out a staycation. Look at activities that will hit various goals of individuals in the family – healthy, hike and bike trails; save money, free local markets or events; be a better cook, food trailer trek. You get the idea. Enjoy personal time with those you love, doing things they love in a town everyone loves.

Keep it – and each other – moving.

Those who play together, stay together. Help yourself and your key relationships keep on track by planning weekly exercise regiments. Take a nightly walk with your husband. Have a friendly game of HORSE with your colleague every Tuesday morning before work. Spend 20 minutes before dinner tossing the ball with your daughter. Just keep moving in the right direction.

Use technology to your advantage.

Got family that lives out of state? Out of the country on business and away from the kids and team? With today’s technology we can stay close even when we’re miles apart. Skype is one of the best tools available for keeping connected. You can IM, talk or make a video call all for free. There are even apps for your phone so Skype is available wherever you go. Here are a few more ways to stay connected:

Volunteer together.

Philanthropic work makes you feel good, sets a good example and achieves a ton! Set quarterly volunteer days with your family and your company. There are plenty of causes and activities for every age range. Look for opportunities to get to know more about your colleagues and loved ones by changing up the routine every three months and sharing a day focused on what they’re passionate about.

If you’re a busy professional that’s found ways to work in more social time, while achieving other personal goals, please share!

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