As a business leader, you understand that your team’s success hinges on effective leadership. However, aligning and achieving goals can be challenging without the right strategies and skills in place. The be ProduKtive team has designed our comprehensive Leadership Development Program, to help you transform your team and drive exceptional results. Let’s dive in!
Mastering the Foundations of The ONE Thing
Navigating the complexities of modern life can make it challenging to stay focused and make progress. That’s why we’re thrilled to help you explore how mastering the foundations of The ONE Thing.
What It Looks Like When You Set Goals Together with Wendy and Jay Papasan
There are points in life that inextricably change your priorities. For Wendy and Jay Papasan that change came in the form of their children. “When we had two really young children,” notes Wendy. “There was probably some kind of disconnect between us and our priorities...
Why Paper Planners Are Here to Stay
One of my favorite parts of starting any new school year was receiving a new paper planner. After getting my schedule, I’d flip past the list of international holidays and a map of the United States and then carefully write out where I’d be and when for the upcoming...
You Can Build 5 Habits This Year, Who Do You Want To Be?
Averaging out the results of various studies on the topic, it’s a safe bet to say it takes 66 Days to build a new habit. With your year out in front of you, that leaves you with enough time to change five things about yourself, conservatively. So who do you want to be...
Goal-Setting For Success: 4 Strategies to Achieve Your Goals This Year
Every year there’s a rash of blog posts, news articles and social media updates about goal-setting for the year ahead. They’re full of ra-ra motivational excitement, and they get you juiced to get a jump on January. There’s just one problem. While goal-setting is key...