Why Grit Counts: Win the Marathon, Not the Sprint

Why Grit Counts: Win the Marathon, Not the Sprint

You can have a high IQ, but it won’t guarantee success. You can graduate from one of the top Ivy League schools, but you may not achieve great things. You can have raw talent, but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll live up to its potential. The one thing that does matter...

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Thanksgiving-Live a Life of No Regret

Thanksgiving-Live a Life of No Regret

What are we thankful for this Thanksgiving? Living regret-free. The holiday is about celebrating what you have, and we believe that includes what you have done and accomplished. Thanksgiving isn’t a time to reflect on the coulda, woulda, shouldas in our lives. Along...

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ONE Thing Means No Regrets

ONE Thing Means No Regrets

Life is too short to pile up woulda, coulda, shouldas. That’s the message Gary wanted to set the stage with when he invited two-time Grammy Award Winner Pam Rose to kick off his recent presentation of new book The ONE Thing in Dallas. “A life worth living might be...

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