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The Who’s Who of Health in 2013

In recent years there has been a significant shift in health awareness. We now understand the dangers of obesity, which affects 18% of children and 35.7% of adults. There has been a movement to forgo processed, microwave meals for fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. And, stress has been revealed as the “silent killer.”

At the forefront of the wellness wave is a group of people helping to reshape the way we approach our physical health. They are health thought leaders that we look to for inspiration and guidance. They are the mentors that are leading a global movement towards awareness and a healthier future. So what better way to kick off our Physical Health Mentor Month than with their wisdom?

Michelle Obama

Before ever setting foot in the White House, Michelle Obama knew one of her main causes as the First Lady would be tackling childhood obesity.

And, that’s just what Mrs. Obama’s Let’s Move initiative does – teaches kids the importance of making healthier choices while holding all of us accountable to providing a culture that supports those choices. “We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity. And we can help create a culture – imagine this – where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them,” she explained during a National Restaurant Association Meeting.

Bob Harper

Accountability is key in NBC’s most popular series The Biggest Loser, a reality show that has helped contestants drop more than 26,600 pounds in its first 14 seasons. And it’s that accountability and mentorship that keeps contestants – and viewers – coming back.

Trainer Bob Harper is known for telling it like it is, but at the end of the day he’s there to provide the knowledge, tools and motivation that’s needed to push contestants past the hurdles of getting in shape. His message is one of making a lifestyle change. As he says, “believe in yourself, trust the process and change forever.”

Richard Simmons

As a ‘household name’ health mentor for all the non-jocks, Richard Simmons’ energetic, positive attitude has not only kept people moving for decades, but his overarching rule of acceptance is downright inspiring. In recent years he’s blended fitness with philanthropy by working on getting physical education incorporated in the No Child Left Behind Act and helping Hurricane Sandy victims in the Swim for Relief charity event.

Always colorful and honest, Richard once shared his stripped down philosophy with CNN: “Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthy. And number three, you’ve got to squeeze your buns. That’s my formula.”

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is now making a business of coaching others to reach their peak physical condition using the same methods he utilized to become a world-class triathlete and bodybuilder. As a coach and motivational speaker Ben understands the importance of having a mentor and holding yourself accountable.

What’s one of his top tips? “You can increase your accountability, motivation and potential to stick to it if you share your workout goals and progress. You can also share your actual workouts by getting a workout buddy or even hiring a personal trainer to help keep you on track.”

Shiva Rea

Renowned Yoga Instructor Shiva Rea has been active her whole life – softball, basketball and dance. But it wasn’t until she started practicing yoga that she found her true physical and spiritual calling. Now she teaches people how to improve not only physical health, but relationships as well through yoga.

Shiva says, “A steady practice of yoga attunes you to your body’s energy and understanding the changes in that energy. The Chakra system is a way to understand our internal energy as it relates to different aspects of our life. Cultivating awareness at these energetic centers along the spine allows us to understand our own relationship to ourselves and to the world around us. ”

Three Tips from the Top for Finding Your Own Health Mentor

Getting a health guru isn’t always as simple as enlisting the help of a fit friend. According to the leaders in this arena, there are a number of things to take into consideration.

1. Find Someone Who Cares About Your Success – As noted by Richard Simmons, the first step in fitness is caring about yourself. When looking for a mentor, focus on people that seem to genuinely care about your health, specific goals and success.

2. Find Your Preferred Fitness Method Before Finding a Mentor – Shiva Rea was active in many different physical activities before focusing in on her yoga practice. Carefully consider what type of activity you connect with most before deciding on a mentor that can lend extra guidance in a specific area.

3. Be a Mentor for Others – As First Lady Michelle Obama points out, it’s up to all of us to make a collective difference. Pass on the healthy mindset by being a mentor for a friend, your spouse, a colleague or your kids.

Have you found a great physical health mentor of your own? Share your story with us below or on Facebook and Twitter #ONEthing.

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