We’ve all had that feeling. Someone doesn’t seem to be listening to what we say. We make requests of others and we’re ignored. Pretty soon, feathers are ruffled and we find ourselves frustrated over the lack of respect we seem to be receiving. While we like to think...
Do Nice Guys Finish First or Last?
The age-old question: do nice guys finish first or do they finish last? There’s a ton of debate coming from either side of the fence: some stalwarts campaign for the former while another group devotes themselves to the latter. We are here to put the argument to bed....
Dear Debbie Downer: Do This to Save Your Life
There is power in positive thinking. It’s undeniable that the way we think shapes our outlook on life. After all, we’ve all heard stories about the impact of daily affirmations, gratitude challenges, and peppy self-talk. What may be unexpected is the role it plays in...
Five Tasty, Super Foods Your Salad Can’t Live Without
There are a million buzz words surrounding food: probiotic, gluten-free, superfood, paleo. We hear these words often, but likely don’t know what many mean. In truth, there is an ever expanding repertoire of new words, ideas, and phrases surrounding food. One day...
Smile Like You Mean It – It Matters
Everyone loves a good smile. While most of us think the bigger the better when it comes to our grins, it’s not necessarily the case. In fact, different smiles hold different meanings. In some cultures, they can be seen as a show of dishonesty or suspicion. And in the...
Late Summer Vacation Ideas for Everyone
It happens to the best of us. The end of summer sneaks up on us and we still haven’t taken a vacation. No need to fret. Maybe there aren’t enough days left in the season to take that once-in-a-lifetime excursion around the world you’ve been dreaming of, but...
The Defining Week: Why the First Week of School Matters
Some of us may be counting down the days until it occurs. Others may be craving more time. But whichever way you look at it, back to school time is rapidly approaching. It’s important to use these last few days and weeks before the new school year starts to explain to...
How to Keep Your Kids Sharp During the Summer
As Alice Cooper once said: school’s out for summer. While the promise of a long, homework free summer is always promising for kids, we adults know that keeping our children mentally stimulated during break is crucial to their continued success. But, sometimes we find...
How to Zone out and Take a Break After Work
Even during this time of year, when Summer Fridays and vacations are abound and many offices are reputed to have less stressful environments, the desire to zone out after a work day still exists. Stepping away from work related stress can be wonderful for your health...