The new film Robots 3D from National Geographic Entertainment is a big screen reminder of how far robotic technology has progressed in recent years. It makes other future-based movies like I, Robot seem not so farfetched. Right now, many humans are hard at work...
6 Steps to Never Missing a Deadline Again
Deadlines. No one likes to have a deadline looming, but the only thing worse is not meeting it. For some people, deadlines sneak up seemingly out of nowhere. Others spend so much time on every detail of a project that they inadvertently let the deadline pass. Then...
Using the 6 Lies for Your New Year’s Resolutions
All this month we’ve been discussing the six big lies that mislead and derail us on our path to achieving big results. If you’ve been following along you may have noticed that these lessons apply to all types of goal setting in both your work and personal life. Now...
Lie #3: Disciplined Life
If you’ve ever worried that a lack of discipline is holding you back, you’ll be happy to know that being highly disciplined isn’t a requirement for success. Successful people have learned that it’s about managing discipline rather than exercising discipline 24/7. It’s...
Lie #2: Multitasking Increases Productivity
Would you rather do ONE thing well or do numerous things poorly? If you are a multitasker, it’s a question that needs to be asked. The idea of multitasking as an acceptable way of getting multiple things done at once has become so mainstream that busy people have...
Now’s the Time to Join our Latest Wellness Challenge
The beginning of a new year often is a great time to set goals and make resolutions. In fact, almost half of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of each year. Here in the office, we’re putting our sneakers on and kicking off the year with another...
Lie #1: Everything Matters Equally
Does it ever feel like too many things need to be done at once? Are you reactive, choosing to work on anything because it seems like getting something done is better than not getting anything done at all? Does it seem like no matter how busy you are things keep piling...
Introducing the Six Lies Series
Sometimes in life, it isn’t reality that holds us back from achieving great things. It’s the lies that we see as truths that get in the way. There are many of these myths that shape our approach to achieving our goals. When it comes down to it, these detrimental lies...
What’s the ONE Thing I Can do to Improve My Skills Next Year?
What we know influences how far we go. If you have your sights set on a promotion, launching a new product or entering a new profession in 2015, it’s time to start expanding your skills. Making a point to continuously improve your skills is a must in today’s...