In the book The ONE Thing there’s a concept called “moving from E to P,” which means moving from the entrepreneurial outlook that’s necessary to get started and becoming purposeful in how you operate. Jeff Lerner has his own unique look at what it means to move from E to P. We talk about how...
Setting goals is essential to creating the life you want—especially if that life is extraordinary. And when you’re in a long-term relationship, you’re not just building a life for yourself, you’re building a life together. That’s why you need to be aligned with your goals and what you want your life to look like in...
To go far—in business or in life—you have to lean on the knowledge and experience of those who’ve been where you want to go. That’s what mentorship is all about. Easier said than done, though. People are busy—especially successful ones. But what if we told you that you can find all the mentors you need...
When you’re setting big, audacious goals, you first need to ask yourself some big questions: What do you want out of life? How will you make an impact on the world? Seth Goldenberg is the author of Radical Curiosity, where he shares a practice that he believes will lead to incredible transformations in your life....
There’s a common phrase that gets thrown around when it comes to teamwork: “There’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team.’” But every team is made up of individuals—when we lose sight of that, the whole team suffers. Teams need to be able to work together as a whole, but we can’t forget to address the individual influences...
What if you could free up 30 hours in your work—all while helping your business reach new revenue heights? Many entrepreneurs know what it’s like to feel constantly busy, putting out fires, and only able to work on the things directly in front of them rather than the work that matters most. Richard Shaull is...
You can’t build a business on your own. And as you grow, the people who helped you build may no longer be a good fit for their role—or for the growth and direction of the company. So how do you handle these employees? And how do you hire for the future? Kurt Wilkin is the...
One of the four thieves of productivity is the inability to say ‘no.’ Whether it’s a deeply-rooted habit, a desire to avoid disappointing others, or the (often false) belief that saying ‘yes’ will make you look good as an employee, this is a trap that is too easy to fall for. But saying ‘yes’ to...
Climbing Mt. Everest. To some it seems impossible—and yet many have managed this amazing feat of human endurance. What is it that gives someone the drive to achieve the unimaginable? One of the biggest challenges in achieving our goals is the internal belief that it is possible. In order to set big goals and have...
We all need a little vacation once in a while. But if that’s the case—and it is!—why do we often find it so hard to make time for those getaways? Many of us are afraid of what will happen if we stop working that we don’t allow ourselves to take the time off we need...