time block
Time is Relative, Not a Relative

Time is Relative, Not a Relative

Business, health and wellness goals are front runners year after year in the rat race to pinpoint our New Years’ Resolutions. And while “losing 20 lbs” or “saving 15% of my earnings” are great goals to have, it’s important not to let them get in the way of our...

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Holiday Hectic? Time Block It.

Holiday Hectic? Time Block It.

While the holidays are filled with magical moments surrounded by family and friends, they’re also filled with a little extra on that “to do” list. Between the parties, shopping, traveling, cooking, and general chaos, a schedule can get pretty tight. Meanwhile, things...

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ONE Thing: Gary Builds a Business Part 1

ONE Thing: Gary Builds a Business Part 1

What’s the ONE Thing we can do to build our business such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? That’s the Focusing Question Gary Keller asked himself when he set out to build his real estate company Keller Williams. The answer was to think...

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