Blocking your time may seem easy, but even after your calendar is penciled in, time can slip away from you. Why? They may not be obvious at first, but there are many time-busters that steal away minutes or even hours of your day and get in the way of productivity. To...
Functional Design Meets Productivity Master
Along the road to your ONE Thing you’ll run into what we call the Productivity Thieves. One such thief is a work environment that doesn’t support your goals. When it comes to productivity, what surrounds you physically is just as important as the people you surround...
66 Day Challenge Complete!
The 66-Day Challenge is officially complete! Congratulations, how does it feel? Feels good, right? That shiny new habit took some work, but now it’s making life a lot easier. As we approach the New Year, goal setting becomes more of a focus. Achieving those goals...
66 Day Challenge: How the Language of Accountability Can Lead to Your Success
It’s hard to believe, but we’re already less than a month out from completing the 66 Day Challenge. How would you describe the experience? What would you say if someone asked you how you were doing? The language that we use and how we phrase things can have a...
If You Try and Chase Two Rabbits. . .
If you try and chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. Gary chose to open The ONE Thing with this Russian proverb because it perfectly sums up the core idea behind the book. It is a simple concept that people around the globe have acknowledged for centuries,...
Top Interruptions at Work May Surprise You
A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal shows us that the most common distraction in the workplace is always lurking around the corner. The article answers the age old question, “What interrupts me the most from my work?” And to our surprise, the answer...
Will You Accept the 66-Day Challenge?
It takes on average 66 days to build a new habit. That’s right, locking your door when you leave the house, having a cigarette with cocktails, checking your rearview before backing out and grabbing a latte on the way to work each morning are habits you’ve had to...
Four Exercises to Increase Focus
Multitasking is a productivity pitfall. We all know it, but we just can’t seem to break the habit. We are so ingrained with the idea of needing to get numerous things done at once that in order to stop multitasking we actually have to recondition our brains. We have...
Juggling Too Many Balls
From the outside, a circus could seem like the most unfocused arena that ever existed. Picture a melting pot of mismatched oddities all performing at the same time. The dream of distraction… in living color. But, P.T. Barnum, the father of the modern-day circus,...