When your ONE thing is your children, you always have more than one thing going on at any given moment, and it never feels like you’re in control of your time. While many listeners have a strong professional focus, we know that a number of you already have the hardest job in the world:...
Have you ever heard the 10,000 hours rule, or the idea that it takes 10,000 hours of doing something to master it? Tony DiCello has over 25,000 hours of coaching people to their possibilities, and today we’re sharing a live training and coaching call between Tony and Geoff Woods so that you can get...
We’ve realized we are missing a person in our world… We are looking for a rockstar Community Manager! This person LOVES to… Create amazing content Engage with a community Manage the development of all content for the business If you are this person (or if you know this person) please go to www.the1thing.com/jobs This is...
Why are you doing what you are doing? The ONE Thing is about teaching the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results, but many of us fail to ask ourselves that simple question. For many of us, we do what we do to create moments that matter with the people that matter… but, too often,...
Life offers so much – but time is limited, so every day you have to wake up and make choices. Unfortunately, many of us choose to try to do it all. We have massive ambitions and take massive action but, at the end of the day, we don’t feel like we actually got anything...
When in your life were you trained how to communicate with the people who matter most to you? Many of us have never received this kind of training or received it far too late in life – yet, almost all of us have experienced some kind of conflict in our long-term relationships (whether that...
Gary Keller once said that the definition of a wealthy person is someone who has the passive income to fund their life’s purpose. Based on that definition, we have to do two things to live a wealthy life: find our purpose, and then build a business that can fund it passively. Does building...
Are you looking for a way to achieve extraordinary results in your life, but falling short? We believe that achieving the extraordinary all comes down to how you manage your time. And, despite our best intentions, most of us not making the most of our time. This isn’t due to a lack of work...
After reading The ONE Thing, have you struggled to prioritize and implement it? You’re not alone. One of the most common concerns we hear from people who have read the book is that they love the idea, but they struggle to find their ONE thing, and then do it before anything else. Today...
If you ask Gary Keller what inspired him to write The ONE Thing, he will tell you that it’s about living a life of no regret. How can we make the most out of our limited time here on Earth, and live a life that is extraordinary? We believe that living a life without...