It may seem like January was just yesterday, but the reality is June is on the horizon. If you find yourself looking at the middle of the year wondering where all that time went, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s perfectly normal to feel like time got away from you in...
Communicate Your Core Values and Unlock Understanding
While many of our holiday plans look different this year, our desire to connect with others remains the same. However, despite our best intentions, connecting can sometimes be difficult. We have that sibling we just don’t understand, the child going through new...
What It Looks Like When You Set Goals Together with Wendy and Jay Papasan
There are points in life that inextricably change your priorities. For Wendy and Jay Papasan that change came in the form of their children. “When we had two really young children,” notes Wendy. “There was probably some kind of disconnect between us and our priorities...
ONE Thing Success Stories Spread
Jay and Gary purposefully titled their latest book The ONE Thing, not ONLY ONE Thing. And, they underlined that message at a recent presentation in Phoenix by challenging thousands of attendees to find focus in seven areas of their lives – Spiritual Health, Physical...
Let the Games Begin: An Olympic Nod to Physical Health around the World
When it comes to physical health, the world is an open gym – no membership required! So as the winter games kick off this weekend, here’s an international nod to finding ways to get physical all year round – including tips to find a mentor in each. Canada – Hockey...
Launch Your New Year Goals with These Health Habits
It’s that time of year again, where you find yourself reflecting on last year’s goals, patting yourself on the back for your accomplishments and picking yourself up from your failures to blaze ahead in 2014. But, before you rewrite last year’s goals on this year’s...
Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership Podcast features The ONE Thing
We’re used to reading books that talk about “The 27 Steps” or “The 52 Things” we need to do to succeed. So why did Gary and Jay decide to whittle it down to just ONE Thing? That’s the question that sparks the lively brass tacks discussion on this week’s...
Seven Healthy Ways to Stifle Stress
Stress has been labeled the “silent killer.” Ominous yes, but it’s also accurate. You see, stress is unique in that it affects the body on all levels - physical, mental and emotional. And, even though the body is designed to withstand and at times harness stress, too...
Show Your 66-Day Strength
So, you’re taking the challenge? Why not scream it from the virtual mountain tops?! Whether you’re focused on improving your physical or spiritual health, or you’re nailing down financial or business goals, My ONE Thing goal tracker will get you there. It’s a free and...