If you try and chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. Gary chose to open The ONE Thing with this Russian proverb because it perfectly sums up the core idea behind the book. It is a simple concept that people around the globe have acknowledged for centuries,...
The Importance of Learning to Learn
For all the learners out there, a hard truth is standing in the way of your educational progress. You see, the more you learn and the more skills you acquire, the harder it gets to learn more. While practice will improve performance of a specific task, it also moves...
The Perfect Squeeze Play
Today, everyone is harried - and it’s no wonder. We get bombarded with more information in a day than our ancestors got in a lifetime. Advances in technology and innovation connect us to the world’s nearly 7 billion inhabitants. We’re exposed to exabytes of...
Your Life and the Areas That Matter Most in It
Regrets are goals that were never attempted to be met. They are opportunities that were never taken. And, they’re a result of living without focusing on what matters most in life. If we had an infinite amount of time we might eventually get around to everything, but...
Apple’s New iPhone Launch – ONE Too Many?
A couple of months ago, this video, published by Apple, caught our eye: They focus on one thing … until it’s perfect. They realize that mastery takes time. They say no. They simplify. Sound familiar? We love their approach. And it’s strikingly similar to the ONE Thing...
Juggling Too Many Balls
From the outside, a circus could seem like the most unfocused arena that ever existed. Picture a melting pot of mismatched oddities all performing at the same time. The dream of distraction… in living color. But, P.T. Barnum, the father of the modern-day circus,...
All Things ONE: Empire Building the El Arroyo Way
Great food and drink is not the only thing that has turned El Arroyo into an Austin, Texas, destination eatery. Its large, street-facing sign – changed daily – is what’s really brought this Tex-Mex Tavern into the spotlight. The out-of-the-box messaging – the...