Jay and Gary purposefully titled their latest book The ONE Thing, not ONLY ONE Thing. And, they underlined that message at a recent presentation in Phoenix by challenging thousands of attendees to find focus in seven areas of their lives – Spiritual Health, Physical...
Time is Relative, Not a Relative
Business, health and wellness goals are front runners year after year in the rat race to pinpoint our New Years’ Resolutions. And while “losing 20 lbs” or “saving 15% of my earnings” are great goals to have, it’s important not to let them get in the way of our...
All Things ONE: Cesar Millan
January is National Train Your Dog Month, so we wanted to give a howl to The Dog Whisperer who's taken a different spin on this ONE Thing – “I rehabilitate dogs. I train humans.” The Work and Life of Cesar Millan Though Cesar Millan is not native born, his is a real...
Six Ways to Identify Time-Busters… and How to Avoid Them
Blocking your time may seem easy, but even after your calendar is penciled in, time can slip away from you. Why? They may not be obvious at first, but there are many time-busters that steal away minutes or even hours of your day and get in the way of productivity. To...
Have it All in 2014
The start of the year holds so much promise and possibility. Will 2014 be the year that you create a domino effect for success in your life? The secret to succeeding in the New Year is ONE simple thing – focus. Jay Papasan discussed the importance of focus in a recent...
Launch Your New Year Goals with These Health Habits
It’s that time of year again, where you find yourself reflecting on last year’s goals, patting yourself on the back for your accomplishments and picking yourself up from your failures to blaze ahead in 2014. But, before you rewrite last year’s goals on this year’s...
Functional Design Meets Productivity Master
Along the road to your ONE Thing you’ll run into what we call the Productivity Thieves. One such thief is a work environment that doesn’t support your goals. When it comes to productivity, what surrounds you physically is just as important as the people you surround...
Holiday Hectic? Time Block It.
While the holidays are filled with magical moments surrounded by family and friends, they’re also filled with a little extra on that “to do” list. Between the parties, shopping, traveling, cooking, and general chaos, a schedule can get pretty tight. Meanwhile, things...
Cheers to Cyber Monday’s “a latte success” Special
It’s that time of year, and no doubt you’ve been even busier than usual – cooking for 17, constantly cleaning muddy footprints, fighting the crowds for that $1-off deal, and wrapping this year’s numbers to inform your 2014 business plan in between. Don’t you just want...